Street children celebrates the Festival of prosperity with BOSCO

“The Pongal reminded me of my Grandmother who is living in Tamilnadu. After coming to Bangalore, we have never celebrated Pongal festival like this because my parents are going for work everyday” said Kani, licking the hot pongal on her fingers. For many area children Pongal celebration ...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Jan 30, 2015

BOSCO Vatsalya Bhavan conducts competitions in talent enhancement month

All that you can see common in every BOSCO’s centre this month is children humming songs, learning new dance steps, studying for quiz and conducting mock matches of cricket and throw ball. The whole days in the month are power packed by various competitions and events of children. The whole B...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Jan 30, 2015

BOSCO CAC monitoring meeting with ADRM

BOSCO Child Assistance Centre monitoring committee meeting held on 7th January with Sunanda Arul, Additional Divisional Railway Manager and Sathi,ngo. The meeting which held in Divisional Railway Manage 's conference hall has taken decisions on safeguarding the rights of the children who land u...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Jan 12, 2015

BOSCO Child safety net rescues begging children on its inception

In a few months, you will be less likely to see begging children or rag picking children in the streets of garden city. BOSCO’s new initiative child safety net is becoming an answer for the plight of young at risks. The child rescue team which was established to spread a safety net for vulnera...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Jan 11, 2015

BOSCO Past pupil meeting in Yuvakendra

BOSCO forms Old Boys Association in past pupil meeting -2014 “I feel I am back at home. Like a child coming to see his mother, I usually wait for the day when we all see each other in our old home, Yuvakendra,” said  Mantesh to the gathering assembled   for the annual p...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Jan 03, 2015

Focused Group Discussion with Non Serious Offenders, their Parents and the System Staff

BOSCO Organized FGD’s for children who have committed non- serious crimes along with their parents as well as for the people with whom these children came into contact with after they have allegedly committed an offence in BOSCO Mane, on 28th Sunday at 10 am. Focused Group Discussion was well ...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Jan 02, 2015

Panel discussion for right to education

Report and Study Findings on the State Level Consultation organised on A Child’s Right to School?
A state level consultation on the topic “A child’s Right to school?” was organised by BOSCO in collaboration with Save the Children and Azim Premji Univer...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Dec 18, 2014

A child's right to school, Yet another initiative from BOSCO

It is almost four years since the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 came into force in the country. The act in these years has created more controversy in the state rather than solving problems attached to universal education of children. A dangerous environment is created ...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Dec 12, 2014

Great efforts made to reach out to the schools

On 03/12/2014 at 10.30 am Bosco CHILDLINE team conducted an awareness program at Jagajeevana Ram Nagar (Gowripalya) RM Education society Urdu Primary School. Around 480 children participated in the interactive programme. Children were given awareness about their own rights, Childline. Children were ...

by sony ♦ published on Dec 04, 2014

Writer Vasudhendra interacts with the Youth

It is only a writer who captured the essence of life and touch the inner deep meanings in each word can think pertinently. Thinking aloud and responding to the society. When Vasudhendra,, the young dynamic short story writer came and had an interaction with youngsters in Yuvakendra, all the children...

by bosconrd ♦ published on Nov 29, 2014