Missing Child Bureau Karnataka (MCB) has been established as per the Juvenile Justice Act 2000 (JJ Act- care and protection of the children), Missing Child Bureau of Karnataka(MCB) has been established. The rules (2002) thereunder by the Department of Women and Child Development and the Government of Karnataka has appointed Bangalore OniyavaraSevaCoota (BOSCO) Bangalore as the State Nodal Agency of the Missing Child Bureau of Karnataka as per the Government of Karnataka order No. DWCD 180 MCB 2007 Bangalore, Dated 27 October 2007. BOSCO the nodal agency will take the lead role with the support of the DWCD & police to launch this project in Karnataka along with the NGO’s which serves the children at every district level. It will monitor the entire project from for the better implementation and convergence of data of the missing and unaccompanied children under a single window system. It will also act as a link between the DWCD, police and the partner NGO’s at level of operation. The State Nodal Agency directed to identify and appoint the District Cell of the Bureau and establish the necessary Systems, structure and Networks and employ effective strategies and tools to realize the objectives in all the districts of Karnataka by ensuring the safety of the Missing and unaccompanied children. The State office of the Missing Child Bureau (MCB) is set up in the department of WCD, and the Nodal office is at BOSCO Yuvodaya, 91 B Street, and 6th Cross Gandhinagar Bangalore.


Establishing a System for collection, collation and sharing of information about missing children and unaccompanied children and facilitating faster communication in order to identify, trace and repatriate them with their family by using effective Tools and Strategies.

Implementation Process and Tools Involved:

For the smooth and effective functioning of the Missing Child Bureau, it has established Missing Child Bureau District Cells in 30 districts of Karnataka by selecting a suitable NGO in each district
  • Missing Child Search Website as a search tool
  • Homelink Software (HLK)
  • Homelink is software which can be used by every organization to collect information about missing children as well as children who are unaccompanied. Once the software is installed in the computer system, the data of every unaccompanied and Missing Child can be entered into the software. It helps in documenting the details of these children and uploading them to Missing Child Search (MCS) portal. It helps to generate the required reports according to the need.
  • www.missingchildsearch.net (MCS)
  • www.missingchildsearch.net is web platform which serves the complainant / parent who missed or lost his/ her child to access the site from anywhere and lodge a complaint directly to any of the member organizations. It helps organizations to interact with each other and to search for children who are lost. It helps organizations working with unaccompanied children to hunt for their missed parents. The web based program helps to search in the data of unaccompanied children locally and nationally to see if any one of them matches the missing child’s information.


Home link software and Missing Child Search website are effortless documentation, internet enabled missing child search solution, reports generation, data analysis for evaluation, research, documentation and policy formulation etc.

Objective of the Project

  • Establish a system for tracing Missing Children,
  • Registration all cases of missing children and collation of info at Dt and state level
  • Identifying all the unaccompanied children and collecting and collating the info at Dt and State level
  • Facilitate the tracing of missing children using best tools and strategies available
  • Guided by the best interest of the child monitor the repatriation of the children
  • To increase the awareness on the issues related to missing children
  • Positive Impact